2021-2024 ― Doctoral Degree (Cycle XXXVII)

Information Engineering @ University of Florence, Santa Marta.
Specialization in Control, Optimization and Complex Systems. Control area.
SurnameName CV ScoreIV ScoreFN ScoreResultRank
Giannetti Giacomo 72/120 39/120 111/120 Position with scholarship 1
Tesori Matteo 71/120 39/120 110/120 Position with scholarship 2
Biondi Niccolò 69/120 39/120 108/120 Position with scholarship 3
Furushita Yoshihisa 67/120 39/120 106/120 Position with scholarship 4
Gelli Matilde 66/120 39/120 105/120 Position with scholarship 5
Baldrati Alberto 64/120 40/120 104/120 Position with scholarship 6
Castrignano Lorenzo 68/120 35/120 103/120 Position without scholarship 7
Camerota Chiara 64/120 38/120 102/120 Position without scholarship 8
Rachabathani Pavan 64/120 37/120 101/120 Eligible 9
Barcali Eleonora 62/120 38/120 100/120 Eligible 10
Admission: november 1st 2021 Topic: Estimation algos x autonomous driving (ita) []
Data sources: [unif‌i1], [unif‌i2] Supervisors: Luigi Chisci, Giorgio Battistelli
Bonus room
During the f‌irst year of my PhD research (2021) I have essentially worked on the problems that, for time reasons, I've left open in my master thesis, i.e. :
  • numerical instability of the Lambda:Omicron prediction step;
  • numerical implementation of the SSMEM measurement likelihood.
The f‌inal two years of my PhD research (2023 and 2024) will be dedicated to the multiobject and multisensor extensions of my master thesis work.


(top: cycle XXXVII ― bottom: cycles XXXVII to XXXI + stats)
99.889.46 81.0093.0099.00108.00120.0039.00194 0.85