2017-2021 ― Master Degree

LM-25 Electrical and Automation engineering @ University of Florence, Santa Marta.
Specialization in Automation.
ExamID CodeCFUSSDGradeDatei
Machine Learning B024318 6 ING-INF/05 30/30 08/09/2020 13
Automation Laboratory B019036 6 ING-INF/04 30/30 09/06/2020 12
Electric Power Plants B020729 12 ING-IND/33 29/30 28/02/2020 11
Robust Control B024388 6 ING-INF/04 30L/30 14/06/2019 10
Optimisation Methods B024333 6 MAT/09 30/30 18/04/2019 9
Control Systems 3 B026299 6 ING-INF/04 30/30 26/03/2019 8
Industrial Automation B019037 6 ING-INF/04 29/30 06/02/2019 7
Nonlinear Dynamic Systems B024387 6 ING-INF/04 30L/30 10/01/2019 6
Mechatronics & Mobile Robotics B019033 12 ING-IND/13 30/30 10/01/2019 5
Estimation & Identification B010314 9 ING-INF/04 30L/30 09/10/2018 4
Electric Machines B026233 12 ING-IND/32 30/30 14/06/2018 3
Electronic Measures B010342 6 ING-INF/07 29/30 06/02/2018 2
Real Analysis B010504 6 MAT/05 30L/30 16/01/2018 1
Defense: july 16th 2021 (ita) [] Thesis: Tracking of multiple extended objects []
Graduation score: 110L/110 [] Supervisors: Luigi Chisci, Giorgio Battistelli, Lin Gao
Bonus room
I have spent 18 months to do my master thesis and, despite this fact, to be honest, I haven't f‌inished it. I was so slow because this was my very f‌irst (and traumatic!) approach to FISST & extended objects.


(over all 13 exams)
29.760.43 29.0030.0030.0030.0030.001.00-0.00 29.86